Monday, July 15, 2019
Above: ANTIQUES ROADSHOW host Mark L. Walberg
Part adventure, part history lesson, and part treasure hunt, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW is a 13-time Emmy® Award-nominee and PBS’ most-watched ongoing series.
Mark L. Walberg hosts.
Fifteen years after its first trip to Providence, Rhode Island, ROADSHOW looks back to see what some of the most memorable objects are worth today. Some have increased in value, while others haven’t fared so well.
Highlights include a Maurice Brazil Prendergast color monotype, ca. 1895; a Cartier ruby and diamond compact; and an Edward Farmer jade and gold box first appraised at $80,000-$125,000 and now valued at $250,000-$350,000.
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On the ROADSHOW podcast, producers chat with many of your favorite ROADSHOW experts about their experiences in search of America’s hidden treasures and other antiques issues in the news: Subscribe ITUNES | SOUNDCLOUD | STITCHER
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